
In Wipple, variables are defined using a colon (:):

name : "Wilson" show name sum : 1 + 2 show sum
Wilson 3

You can create multiple variables with the same name. When you refer to a name in your code, the most recent variable is chosen:

n : 1 show n n : 2 show n
1 2

Each declaration is its own variable with its own value; they don’t need to be the same type:

n : 1 show n n : "n" show n
1 n

The right-hand side of the : is evaluated before bringing the variable into scope:

n : 1 n : n + 1 show n

A variable can only be accessed after it’s defined, not before:

n : n + 1 n : 1 show n
example:1:5: error: can't find `n`

Sometimes, you need to change the value of an existing variable. You can do this by putting an exclamation mark (!) after the variable name:

n : 0 n! : n + 1 show n

Now, any code that refers to n will observe the updated value.