Type system

In Wipple, every expression must have a type known at compile-time. For most code, though, Wipple can infer the type.

Type annotations

To annotate the type of an expression explicitly, use the :: operator:

show ("Hello, world!" :: Text)

A type annotation at the top level is instead considered to be a constant definition, where the constant’s body is defined on the next line:

-- Create a new constant named `pi` with type `Number` pi :: Number pi : 3.14

If you actually want a type annotation rather than a constant definition, wrap the expression in parentheses:

-- Assert that the existing constant `pi` has type `Number` (pi :: Number)

Builtin types


Number literals have the type defined by the number intrinsic. In the standard library, this is Number.

Text literals have the type defined by the text intrinsic. In the standard library, this is Text.


Function types are written A B C -> D, where A, B, and C are the inputs and D is the output.


Tuple types are written A ; B ; C. Each element type may be different.

A tuple with a single element is written with a trailing semicolon (A ;). A single-element tuple is not equal to the element type on its own (ie. A ; is not equivalent to A).


Block types are written {A}, where A is the type of the last statement in the block.

The empty block produces a value of type None, and so it has type {None}.


The keyword intrinsic may be used in type position to refer to a runtime-provided type. All intrinsic types are equivalent to each other, but are not equivalent to any other type.

It’s not possible to create a value of type intrinsic in Wipple. The runtime always uses wrapper types like Number, Text, and List, instead of returning a value of type intrinsic.

Type-level text

Type-level text is written the same way as regular text, except the inputs are types. Type-level text is currently only used for producing custom error messages at compile time — it’s not possible to create a value with this type at runtime.

User-defined types

Wipple has four kinds of user-defined types: marker types, wrapper types, structure types, and enumeration types.

Marker types

Marker types contain no information and have a single value. They are defined with the type keyword:

Marker : type instance (Describe Marker) : _ -> "marker" show Marker -- marker

Wrapper types

Wrapper types contain a single value of the wrapped type, but you must explicitly convert between the wrapper and the wrapped value. They are defined with the type keyword, followed by the type to wrap:

User-ID : type Text instance (Equal User-ID) : (User-ID a) (User-ID b) -> a = b id : User-ID "abc" id = "abc" -- error: expected `User-ID`, but found `Text`

Structure types

Structure types contain one or more fields. They are defined with the type keyword, followed by a block containing fields:

Sport : type { name :: Text players :: Number } instance (Describe Sport) : { name : name players : players } -> "_ has _ players per team" name players basketball : Sport { name : "Basketball" players : 5 } show basketball -- Basketball has 5 players per team

Enumeration types

Enumeration types contain one or more variants. An enumeration value may only be one variant at a time. Enumeration types are defined with the type keyword, followed by a block containing variants:

Primary-Color : type { Red Green Blue } instance (Describe Primary-Color) : color -> when color { Red -> "red" Green -> "green" Blue -> "blue" } favorite-color : Blue show favorite-color -- blue

Variants may also store values:

JSON : type { Null-Value String-Value Text Number-Value Number Array-Value (List JSON) Object-Value (Dictionary Text JSON) }


Types can accept type parameters to make them generic:

Linked-List : Value => type { Nil Cons Value (Linked-List Value) }

You can make constants generic with the same syntax:

join :: Value => (Linked-List Value) (Linked-List Value) -> Linked-List Value join : ...

Traits and instances

Traits allow you to define functionality across a range of types. For example, the standard library’s Describe trait is used to convert values into Text. It’s used by show to display things on the screen.

Defining a trait

You can define a trait using the trait keyword, followed by the type of the value the trait represents:

Describe : Value => trait (Value -> Text)

Traits may have multiple type parameters:

Add : Left Right Sum => trait (Left Right -> Sum)

The value doesn’t have to be a function; for example, the Empty trait defines the “empty value” of a type, like 0 for Number and "" for Text:

Empty : Value => trait Value

Implementing a trait

You can define an instance for a trait using the instance keyword on the left side of the : assignment operator:

Person : type {name :: Text} instance (Describe Person) : {name : name} -> "Hi, I'm _" name

A trait T is said to be “implemented” for a type(s) if there is an instance (T ...) corresponding to those type(s).

Note that there is no “primary type” that the trait is implemented on — an instance just represents a set of types corresponding to a trait implementation. In the following example, it’s more correct to say that Add is implemented for the three Numbers rather than on the Left or Right one.

Add : Left Right Sum => trait (Left Right -> Sum) instance (Add Number Number Number) : ...

You can only define one instance for some set of types at a time:

instance (Describe Person) : ... instance (Describe Person) : ... -- error

Using a trait

To use a trait, refer to it by name — Wipple will infer the types of the trait’s type parameters based on the surrounding context and select the instance that matches:

Foo : type Bar : type Trait : A => trait A instance (Trait Foo) : Foo -- (1) instance (Trait Bar) : Bar -- (2) (Trait :: Foo) -- selects (1) (Trait :: Bar) -- selects (2)

This works for functions and other complex types, too:

-- infers `Left` and `Right` as `Number`, so `instance (Add Number Number Number)` -- is selected and the entire expression has type `Number` (aka. `Sum`) Add 1 2

Inferred type parameters

When you mark a type parameter with infer in a trait, that type parameter is not considered when checking for overlapping instances. This constraint aids in type inference and can produce better error messages. For example, Sum in Add is marked infer:

Add : Left Right (infer Sum) => trait (Left Right -> Sum)

As a result, writing (Add 1 2 :: Text) produces expected `Number`, but found `Text`, rather than could not find instance `(Add Number Number Text)`.


Bounds allow you to make a generic constant or instance available conditionally. For example, show requires that its input implement Describe:

show :: Value where (Describe Value) => Value -> () show : ...

Similarly, Maybe only implements Equal if its Value does:

Value where (Equal Value) => instance (Equal (Maybe Value)) : ...

Within a constant’s or instance’s body, the bounds are implied, so you can use instances that refer to the bounded type parameters. But when using the constant or instance from the outside, it’s up to the caller to ensure the bounds are satisfied.

Value where (Equal Value) => instance (Equal (Maybe Value)) : a b -> when (a ; b) { (Some a ; Some b) -> Equal a b -- resolves to `instance (Equal Value)` ... }