
Lexing, aka. tokenization, is the process of splitting the string of source code into a list of “tokens”. A good way to think of tokens is like they are atoms, the smallest meaningful unit of syntax.

This preprocessing step means the parser doesn’t have to iterate over the code character by character — without tokenization, there would be a lot of code to group characters together mixed with the parsing code. For example, without tokenization, the parser would have to do something like this:

Input: foo :: Number

  • Scan f; f is a character, so start a name.
  • Scan o; o is a character and we have a name, so the name is fo.
  • Scan o; o is a character and we have a name, so the name is foo.
  • Scan whitespace; stop the name.
  • Scan :; we either have : or ::.
  • Scan :; we have ::.
  • Scan whitespace; ignore.
  • Scan N; N is a character, so start a name.
  • etc.

But with lexing, the parser can already start with foo, ::, and Number split into separate groups.

Lexing is a bit more complicated than let tokens = code.split(" "), since not all tokens have whitespace between them — we want to split (x) into three tokens ((, x, and )), not one. Wipple uses the Logos library to define regular expressions that denote boundaries between tokens.

How Wipple tokenizes code

Open compiler/syntax/src/tokenize.rs to follow along.

  1. The source code string, s, is passed to the tokenize function.

  2. Wipple calls logos::Lexer::new(s).spanned(), which returns an Iterator that produces a Result<RawToken, ()> and a Range<usize>. The Result is either Ok(RawToken) (a valid token) or Err(()) (an invalid token — the default error type in Logos is (); Wipple currently does not have custom error handling for invalid tokens). The Range is called a “span”, aka. the start and end positions in the source code where the token is located.

  3. Wipple maps over each of these results, converting the RawTokens into Tokens, which are categorized so that operations on similar kinds of tokens (eg. operators or keywords) can be shared. Any Err(()) values are converted to Diagnostic::InvalidToken. Both the Ok and Err variants are put in a WithInfo structure containing a Location value that wraps the span.

  4. Wipple reports diagnostics for the Err values.

  5. Wipple calls to_logical_lines on the Ok values, which replaces multiple line breaks with single line breaks, and removes line breaks between lines involving operators.

    For example:

    CodeEquivalent toBehavior
    a ba bSingle line
    Line break

    Multiple line breaks are reduced
    into a single line break
    + b
    a + bOperator joins lines
  6. Wipple takes the processed list of tokens returned by to_logical_lines and passes it to TokenTree::from_top_level. A “token tree” is a kind of concrete syntax tree that does grouping by parentheses and operators, but has no further syntactic structure. In this stage, comments are removed and the original code is no longer recoverable.

    TokenTree::from_top_level works by maintaining a stack of groups — when a left parentheses is encountered, for example, a TokenTree::List is pushed onto the stack, and when a right parentheses is encountered, this list is popped and appended to the group that’s now on the top. Non-grouping symbols are always appended to the group on the top of the stack. We easily detect mismatched parentheses/brackets and braces by checking if the top of the stack exists and is the expected group.

    There’s also a similar function, TokenTree::from_inline, that just calls TokenTree::from_top_level and extracts the first statement in the output. This will eventually be useful for tests, since you can pass a string like 1 + 2 and get back the operator expression directly instead of it being wrapped in a block.

  7. The resulting token tree is returned to the driver, and any diagnostics reported.


If you look through the lexer, you’ll see three kinds of operators: binary, non-associative, and variadic. Each one is processed a bit differently.

First, it’s important to know that every operator has a precedence, or priority — operators with a higher precedence group more tightly. For example, * has a higher precedence than +, so 1 + 2 * 3 is equivalent to 1 + (2 * 3) and not (1 + 2) * 3.

  • Binary operators accept two token trees, one on either side of the operator. Every binary operator has an associativity, which determines the grouping behavior when multiple operators of the same precedence are encountered.

    For example, - is left-associative (ie. has Associativity::Left), so 3 - 2 - 1 is equivalent to (3 - 2) - 1 (0) and not 3 - (2 - 1) (2).

    ->, on the other hand, is right-associative, so Number -> Number -> Number is equivalent to Number -> (Number -> Number) (which returns a function as output) and not (Number -> Number) -> Number (which accepts a function as input).

  • Non-associative operators also accept two token trees, one on either side, but have no associativity. If Wipple encounters multiple non-associative operators with the same precedence, it will produce an error. Non-associativity is essentially a way to require that an operator is used only once in an expression. For example, : is non-associative because you can only have one definition per line. (a : b : c doesn’t make sense in Wipple.)

  • Variadic operators accept zero or more token trees as input; the operator serves as a separator between each token tree. Wipple has two variadic operators: ; for tuples and , for collections. You may provide a trailing operator after the inputs (ie. 1 , 2 , 3 , is valid). To represent zero inputs, specify the operator on its own: ,. Normally, you wrap the operator in parentheses to avoid ambiguity: (,) is the typical syntax for an empty list.